VulkanSceneGraph library
►Nvsg | |
CCamera | |
CFindCameras | FindCameras is a visitor that traverses a scene graph to collect the Cameras found within it |
CCloseHandler | CloseHandler event handler used to respond to close events generated by a Window |
CCommandGraph | CommandGraph is a group node that sits at the top of the scene graph and manages the recording of its subgraph to Vulkan command buffers |
CCompileResult | |
CCompileManager | CompileManager is a helper class that compiles subgraphs for the windows/framebuffers associated with the CompileManager |
CCompileTraversal | CompileTraversal traverses a scene graph and invokes all the StateCommand/Command::compile(..) methods to create all Vulkan objects, allocate GPU memory and transfer data to GPU |
CEllipsoidModel | |
CPresentation | Presentation provides support for presenting swapchains associated with windows |
CProjectionMatrix | ProjectionMatrix is a base class for specifying the Camera projection matrix and its inverse |
CPerspective | Perspective is a ProjectionMatrix that implements the gluPerspective model for setting the projection matrix |
COrthographic | Orthographic is a ProjectionMatrix that implements the glOrtho model for setting the projection matrix |
CRelativeProjection | RelativeProjection is a ProjectionMatrix that decorates another ProjectionMatrix and pre-multiplies its transform matrix to give a relative projection matrix |
CEllipsoidPerspective | |
CRecordAndSubmitTask | RecordAndSubmitTask manages the recording of its list of CommandGraph to CommandBuffer which are then submitted to the associated vulkan Queue |
CRecordTraversal | RecordTraversal traverses a scene graph doing view frustum culling and invoking state/commands to record them to a Vulkan command buffer |
CRenderGraph | |
CSecondaryCommandGraph | SecondaryCommandGraph is a specialization of CommandGraph that provides Vulkan secondary command buffer support |
►CTrackball | Trackball is an event handler that provides mouse and touch controlled 3d trackball camera view manipulation |
CViewpoint | |
►CTransferTask | |
CFrame | |
CUpdateOperations | Class for managing thread safe adding and running of update operations |
CView | View is a Group class that pairs a Camera that defines the view with a subgraph that defines the scene that is being viewed/rendered |
CViewer | |
CViewMatrix | ViewMatrix is a base class for specifying the Camera view matrix and its inverse |
CLookAt | LookAt is a ViewMatrix that implements the gluLookAt model for specifying the view matrix |
CRelativeViewMatrix | RelativeViewMatrix is a ViewMatrix that decorates another ViewMatrix and pre-multiplies its transform matrix to give a relative view matrix |
CTrackingViewMatrix | |
►CWindow | |
CFrame | |
CWindowAdapter | |
CUpdateGraphicsPipelines | |
CWindowResizeHandler | WindowResizeHandler class for updating viewport/scissor and attachments to fit with new window dimensions |
CWindowTraits | WindowTraits specifies the settings required when creating windows/vulkan instance/device |
CBeginQuery | BeginQuery command encapsulates vkCmdBeginQuery call and associated functionality |
CBindIndexBuffer | BindIndexBuffer command encapsulates vkCmdBindIndexBuffer call and associated settings |
CBindVertexBuffers | BindVertexBuffers command encapsulates vkCmdBindVertexBuffers call and associated settings |
CBlitImage | BlitImage command encapsulates vkCmdBlitImage functionality and associated settings |
CClearAttachments | ClearAttachments command encapsulates vkCmdClearAttachments functionality and associated settings |
CClearColorImage | ClearColorImage command encapsulates vkCmdClearColorImage functionality and associated settings |
CClearDepthStencilImage | ClearDepthStencilImage command encapsulates vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage functionality and associated settings |
CCommand | Command base class for encapsulating vkCmd* calls and associated settings |
CCommands | |
►CCopyAndReleaseBuffer | Deprecated - use vsg::Data dataVariance and Data::dirty() to signal vsg::TransferTask to transfer data |
CCopyData | |
►CCopyAndReleaseImage | Deprecated - use vsg::Data dataVariance and Data::dirty() to signal vsg::TransferTask to transfer data |
CCopyData | |
CCopyImage | CopyImage command encapsulates vkCmdCopyImage and associated settings |
CCopyImageToBuffer | CopyImageToBuffer commands encapsulates vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer and associated settings |
CCopyImageViewToWindow | CopyImageViewToWindow command copies a source ImageView to a Window's current imageView |
CCopyQueryPoolResults | CopyQueryPoolResults commands encapsulates vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults and associated settings |
CDispatch | |
CDraw | Draw command encapsulates vkCmdDraw call and associated settings |
CDrawIndexed | DrawIndexed command encapsulates vkCmdDrawIndexed call and associated settings |
CDrawIndexedIndirect | DrawIndexedIndirect command encapsulates vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect call and associated settings |
CDrawIndirect | DrawIndirect command encapsulates vkCmdDrawIndirect call and associated settings |
CDrawIndirectCommand | Equivalent to VkDrawIndirectCommand that adds read/write support |
CEndQuery | Encapsulation of vkCmdEndQuery |
CEvent | Encapsulation of VkEvent |
CSetEvent | Command class encapsulating vkCmdSetEvent |
CResetEvent | Command class encapsulating vkCmdResetEvent |
CWaitEvents | Command class encapsulating vkCmdWaitEvents |
►CExecuteCommands | Encapsulation of vkCmdExecuteCommands with thread safe integration with SecondaryCommandGraph that provides the secondary CommandBuffer |
CCommandGraphAndBuffer | |
CNextSubPass | NextSubPass command encapsulates vkCmdNextSubpass call and settings |
CVulkanInfo | VulkanInfo is a base class for extensions assigned via next pointer in Vulkan structures |
CMemoryBarrier | MemoryBarrier encapsulates VkMemoryBarrier settings |
CBufferMemoryBarrier | BufferMemoryBarrier encapsulates VkBufferMemoryBarrier settings |
CImageMemoryBarrier | ImageMemoryBarrier encapsulates vkImageMemoryBarrier settings |
CSampleLocations | SampleLocations encapsulates the VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT settings associated with VK_EXT_sample_locations extension |
CPipelineBarrier | PipelineBarrier command encapsulates vkCmdPipelineBarrier call and associated lists of MemoryBarrier, BufferMemoryBarrier and ImageMemoryBarrier |
CResetQueryPool | ResetQueryPool command encapsulates vkCmdResetQueryPool functionality |
CResolveImage | ResolveImage command encapsulates vkCmdResolveImage functionality |
CSetDepthBias | SetDepthBias command encapsulates vkCmdSetDepthBias functionality, associated with dynamic updating of a GraphicsPipeline's RasterizationState::depthBias* values |
CSetLineWidth | SetLineWidth command encapsulates vkCmdSetLineWidth functionality, associated with dynamic updating of a GraphicsPipeline's RasterizationState::lineWidth |
CSetScissor | SetScissor command encapsulates vkCmdSetScissor functionality, associated with dynamic updating of a GraphicsPipeline's ViewportState |
CSetViewport | SetViewport command encapsulates vkCmdSetViewport call, associated with dynamic updating of a GraphicsPipeline's ViewportState |
CWriteTimestamp | WriteTimestamp command encapsulates vkCmdWriteTimestamp call and settings passed to it |
►CAllocator | |
CMemoryBlock | |
CMemoryBlocks | |
Callocator_affinity_nodes | Std container adapter for allocating with MEMORY_AFFINITY_NODES |
CArray | |
CArray2D | |
CArray3D | |
CAuxiliary | |
CDereferenceLess | Less functor for comparing ref_ptr<Object> typically used with std::set<> etc |
CConstVisitor | |
CModifiedCount | ModifiedCount provides a count value to keep track of modifications to data |
Cblock64 | |
Cblock128 | |
Cstride_iterator | |
►CData | |
CProperties | |
CException | |
CExternal | |
CInherit | |
CMemorySlots | |
CObject | |
CObjects | Simple container class that has a list of vsg::Object as children |
Cobserver_ptr | |
Cref_ptr | |
CScratchMemory | |
CValue | |
CVisitor | |
CAsciiInput | |
CAsciiOutput | |
CBinaryInput | |
CBinaryOutput | |
CCulledPagedLODs | Class used by the DatabasePager to keep track of PagedLOD nodes |
CDatabaseQueue | Thread safe queue for tracking PagedLOD that needs to be loaded, compiled or merged by the DatabasePager |
CDatabasePager | |
Cglsl | Glsl ReaderWriter supports reading and writing GLSL shader files |
CInput | |
CLogger | Thread safe, pure virtual Logger base class that provides extensible message logging facilities |
CStdLogger | Default Logger that sends debug and info messages to std:cout, and warn and error messages to std::cerr |
CThreadLogger | |
CNullLogger | |
Cmem_stream | |
CObjectFactory | |
CRegisterWithObjectFactoryProxy | |
COptions | Class for passing IO related options to vsg::read/write calls |
COutput | |
CPath | |
CReadError | |
►CReaderWriter | Base class for providing support for reading and/or writing various file formats and IO protocols |
CFeatures | |
CCompositeReaderWriter | Class for managing a list of ReaderWriter, providing a single read/write call to invoke each ReaderWriter in turn until success |
Cspirv | ReaderWriter for reading and writing spirv shader files |
Ctile | Tile reader that is used by the vsg::TileDatabase node to implement the reading of external tiles |
Ctxt | ReaderWriter for reading and writing text files of different types such as .txt, ,md, .json, .xml |
CVSG | ReaderWriter for reading and writing native VSG ascii and binary files |
Ct_box | T_box template class that represents an axis aligned bounding box |
Ct_mat3 | T_mat3 template class that represents a 3x3 matrix |
Ct_mat4 | T_mat4 template class that represents a 4x4 matrix |
Ct_plane | |
Ct_quat | T_quat template class that represents a quaternion |
Ct_sphere | Template sphere class |
CComputeTransform | |
Ct_vec2 | T_vec2 template class that represents a 2D vector |
Ct_vec3 | T_vec3 template class that represents a 3D vector |
Ct_vec4 | T_vec4 template class that represents a 4D vector |
CDrawMeshTasks | |
CDrawMeshTasksIndirect | DrawMeshTasksIndirect command encapsulates vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectEXT call and associated parameters |
CDrawMeshTasksIndirectCount | DrawMeshTasksIndirectCount command encapsulates vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountEXT call and associated parameters |
CAbsoluteTransform | |
►CBin | |
CElement | |
CCompilable | Base class for encapsulating nodes that have Vulkan objects associated with them that will need compiling during the compile traversal |
CCullGroup | CullNode that enables view frustum culling on a list of children |
CCullNode | |
CDepthSorted | |
CGeometry | |
CGroup | Group node provides a list of children |
CLight | |
CAmbientLight | AmbientLight represents an ambient light source |
CDirectionalLight | DirectionalLight represents a directional light source - used for light sources that are treated as if at infinite distance, like sun/moon |
CPointLight | PointLight represents a local point light source where all light radiants event from the light position |
CSpotLight | SpotLight represents a local point light source whose intensity varies as a spot light |
►CLOD | |
CChild | |
CMatrixTransform | |
CNode | |
►CPagedLOD | |
CChild | |
►CPagedLODContainer | |
CElement | |
CList | |
CQuadGroup | |
CStateGroup | |
►CSwitch | Switch node for toggling on/off recording of children |
CChild | |
CTileDatabaseSettings | TileDatabaseSettings provides the settings used by vsg::TileDatabase and vsg::tile ReaderWriter to guide paging in image, DEM tiles from disk/http/ |
CTileDatabase | |
CTransform | Transform node is a pure virtual base class for positioning/scaling/rotating subgraphs |
CVertexDraw | |
CVertexIndexDraw | |
CAccelerationGeometry | AccelerationGeometry encapsulates settings for acceleration geometries |
CAccelerationStructure | AccelerationStructure is a base class for top/bottom level acceleration structure classes |
CBottomLevelAccelerationStructure | BottomLevelAccelerationStructure encapsulates bottom level acceleration structure |
CBuildAccelerationStructureTraversal | BuildAccelerationStructureTraversal is a helper class for traversal of a scene graph to build required acceleration structures |
CDescriptorAccelerationStructure | DescriptorAccelerationStructure encapsulates descriptors of type VkAccelerationStructure |
►CRayTracingPipeline | |
CImplementation | |
CBindRayTracingPipeline | BindRayTracingPipeline state command encapsulates vkCmdBindPipeline for a RayTracingPipeline |
CRayTracingShaderGroup | RayTracingShaderGroup encapsulates VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR settings |
CVkGeometryInstance | |
CGeometryInstance | GeometryInstance is an instance of a bottom level acceleration structure reference by a top level acceleration structure |
CTopLevelAccelerationStructure | TopLevelAccelerationStructure encapsulates the set up of the top level acceleration structure containing an array of VkGeometryInstance |
CTraceRays | TraceRays command encapsulates vkCmdTraceRaysKHR call and associated settings |
►CArrayState | |
CAttributeDetails | |
CNullArrayState | |
CPositionArrayState | PositionArrayState is an ArrayState subclass for mapping vertex array data for instanced geometries |
CDisplacementMapArrayState | DisplacementMapArrayState is an ArrayState subclass for mapping vertex array data for displacement mapped geometries |
CPositionAndDisplacementMapArrayState | PositionAndDisplacementMapArrayState is an ArrayState subclass for mapping vertex array data for instanced, displacement mapped geometries |
CBillboardArrayState | BillboardArrayState is an ArrayState subclass for mapping vertex array data for billboard instanced geometries |
►CBindDescriptorSets | BindDescriptorSets state command encapsulates vkCmdBindDescriptorSets call and associated settings for multiple DescriptorSets |
CVulkanData | |
►CBindDescriptorSet | |
CVulkanData | |
►CBuffer | |
CVulkanData | |
CBufferInfo | BufferInfo encapsulates the settings that map to VkDescriptorBufferInfo |
CVulkanArrayData | |
►CBufferView | BufferView encapsulates VkBufferView and the VkBufferViewCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CVulkanData | |
CColorBlendState | ColorBlendState encapsulates VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
►CComputePipeline | ComputePipeline encapsulates compute VkPipeline and the VkComputePipelineCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CImplementation | |
CBindComputePipeline | BindComputePipeline state command encapsulates the vkCmdBindPipeline call for a ComputePipeline |
CDepthStencilState | DepthStencilState encapsulates VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
CDescriptor | |
CDescriptorBuffer | |
CDescriptorImage | |
►CDescriptorSet | DescriptorSet encapsulates VkDescriptorSet and VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo settings used to describe the Descriptors associated with the descriptor set |
CImplementation | |
►CDescriptorSetLayout | DescriptorSetLayout encapsulates VkDescriptorSetLayout and VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CImplementation | |
CDescriptorTexelBufferView | DescriptorTexelBufferView is a Descriptor class that encapsulates texelBufferViews used to set VkWriteDescriptorSet::pTexelBufferViews |
CDynamicState | DynamicState encapsulates VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
CGraphicsPipelineState | |
►CGraphicsPipeline | GraphicsPipeline encapsulates graphics VkPipeline and the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CImplementation | |
CBindGraphicsPipeline | BindGraphicsPipeline state command encapsulates the vkCmdBindPipeline call for a GraphicsPipeline |
►CImage | Image class encapsulates VkImage and VkImageCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CVulkanData | |
CImageInfo | ImageInfo class provides the VkDescriptorImageInfo settings used when setting up vsg::/vkDescriptorImage |
CFormatTraits | Format traits hints that can be used when initializing image data |
►CImageView | ImageView class encapsulates VkImageView and VkImageViewCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CVulkanData | |
CInputAssemblyState | InputAssemblyState encapsulates VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
Cmaterial | Simple material struct for passing material settings as uniform value to fragment shader |
CPhongMaterial | |
CPbrMaterial | |
CMultisampleState | MultisampleState encapsulates VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
►CPipelineLayout | PipelineLayout encapsulates VkPipelineLayout and the VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CImplementation | |
CPushConstants | PushConstants state command encapsulates vkCmdPushConstants functionality |
CQueryPool | QueryPool encapsulates the VkQueryPool and the VkQueryPoolCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CRasterizationState | RasterizationState encapsulates VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
CResourceHints | ResourceHints provides settings that help preallocation of Vulkan resources and memory |
►CSampler | Sampler encapsulates the VkSampler and the VkSamplerCreateInfo settings used to set it up |
CImplementation | |
CShaderCompileSettings | |
►CShaderModule | |
CImplementation | |
CShaderStage | ShaderStage encapsulates VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
CStateCommand | |
►CStateSwitch | |
CChild | |
CTessellationState | TessellationState encapsulates VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
CVertexInputState | VertexInputState encapsulates VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
CViewDescriptorSetLayout | |
CBindViewDescriptorSets | |
►CViewDependentState | |
CShadowMap | |
CViewportState | ViewportState encapsulates VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo settings passed when setting up GraphicsPipeline |
CCpuLayoutTechnique | |
CFont | |
CGlyphMetrics | Naming and meaning taken from FT_Glyph_Metrics, with dimensions normalized to fontHeight |
CLayoutStruct | |
CGpuLayoutTechnique | |
CStandardLayout | |
CText | |
CCountGlyphs | Convenience class for counting the number of text glyphs |
CTextGroup | |
CTextQuad | |
CTextLayout | |
CTextTechnique | |
CActivityStatus | ActivityStatus provides atomic management of whether threads watching this ActivityStatus object should be active or safely exit |
CAffinity | Affinity struct provides a set of cpu ids that a thread can be set to have affinity to |
CBarrier | Barrier provides a means for synchronizing multiple threads that all release together once specified number of threads joined the Barrier |
CFrameBlock | FrameBlock provides a mechanism for synchronizing threads that are waiting on the start of a new frame |
CLatch | Latch provides a means for synchronizing multiple threads that waits for the latch count to be decremented to zero |
CThreadSafeQueue | Template thread safe queue |
COperation | Operation base class |
COperationThreads | |
CTerminateEvent | TerminateEvent represents an application termination event |
CFrameEvent | |
CCollectEvents | CollectEvents is a visitor that collects ui events into a list of events |
CFrameStamp | FrameStamp represents the time and frame count of a specific frame |
►CKeyboard | Keyboard tracks keyboard events to enable the querying of the key pressed state and how long the key has been held for |
CKeyHistory | |
CKeyEvent | KeyEvent is a base class for key events |
CKeyPressEvent | KeyPressEvent represents a key press event |
CKeyReleaseEvent | KeyReleaseEvent represents a key release event |
CPlayEvents | |
CPointerEvent | PointerEvent is a base class for mouse pointer events |
CButtonPressEvent | ButtonPressEvent represents a button press event |
CButtonReleaseEvent | ButtonReleaseEvent represents a button release event |
CMoveEvent | MoveEvent represents a pointer move event |
CPrintEvents | PrintEvents prints ui event settings to stream, used for tracking/debugging event handling in applications |
CRecordEvents | |
CScrollWheelEvent | ScrollWheelEvent represents a scroll wheel event |
CShiftEventTime | |
CTouchEvent | TouchEvent is a base class for touch events |
CTouchDownEvent | TouchDownEvent represents a touch down event |
CTouchUpEvent | TouchUpEvent represents a touch up event |
CTouchMoveEvent | TouchMoveEvent represents a touch move event |
CUIEvent | UIEvent is a base class for user interface events |
CWindowEvent | WindowEvent is the base class for events related to a window |
CExposeWindowEvent | ExposeWindowEvent represents a window expose event |
CConfigureWindowEvent | ConfigureWindowEvent represents a window configure event - such as changes to the size of the window |
CCloseWindowEvent | CloseWindowEvent represents a window close event |
CFocusInEvent | FocusInEvent represents a window acquiring focus event |
CFocusOutEvent | FocusOutEvent represents a window losing focus event |
►CAnimationPath | |
CLocation | |
CAnimationPathHandler | |
CRecordAnimationPathHandler | RecordAnimationPathHandler event handler records the camera |
CStateInfo | StateInfo struct provides state related settings supported by Builder |
CGeometryInfo | GeometryInfo struct provides geometry related settings supported by Builder |
CBuilder | |
CCommandLine | |
CComputeBounds | ComputeBounds traverses a scene graph computing an overall bounding box that encloses all the geometry in that scene graph |
CDescriptorConfigurator | DescriptorConfigurator utility provides a means of setting up descriptors using ShaderSet as a guide for required layouts/bindings |
CArrayConfigurator | ArrayConfigurator utility provides a means of setting up arrays using ShaderSet as a guide for required bindings |
CGraphicsPipelineConfigurator | GraphicsPipelineConfigurator utility provides a means of setting up state and geometry using ShaderSet as a guide for required layouts/bindings |
CIntersector | |
CIndexRatio | IndexRatio is a pair of index and ratio used to specify the baricentric coords of primitives that have been intersected |
►CLineSegmentIntersector | LineSegmentIntersector is an Intersector subclass that provides support for computing intersections between a line segment and geometry in the scene graph |
CIntersection | |
CLineSegment | |
CLoadPagedLOD | |
CShaderCompiler | |
CAttributeBinding | |
CDescriptorBinding | |
CPushConstantRange | |
CDefinesArrayState | |
CCustomDescriptorSetBinding | Base class for specifying custom DescriptorSetLayout and StateCommand |
CViewDependentStateBinding | Custom state binding class for providing the DescriptorSetLayout and StateCommand required to pass view dependent data, lights/shadows etc., to shaders |
CShaderSet | ShaderSet provides a collection of shader related settings to provide a form of shader introspection |
CSharedObjects | Class for facilitating the sharing of instances of objects that have the same properties |
CLoadedObject | Helper class for sharing of objects loaded from files |
CSuitableForSharing | |
CAllocationCallbacks | Adapter class that provides a means of managing the lifetime of VkAllocationCallbacks |
CCommandBuffer | CommandBuffer encapsulates VkCommandBuffer |
CRecordedCommandBuffers | Thread safe container class |
CCommandPool | |
CBuildAccelerationStructureCommand | Helper command for setting up RayTracing structures |
CContext | |
CDescriptorPool | DescriptorPool encapsulates management of VkDescriptorPool |
CQueueSetting | |
CDevice | Device encapsulates VkDevice, a logical handle to the PhysicalDevice with capabilities specified during construction |
CDeviceExtensions | |
►CDeviceFeatures | |
CFeatureHeader | |
CDeviceMemory | |
CMappedData | |
CFence | |
CFramebuffer | Framebuffer encapsulates VkFramebuffer, used as a rendering target associated with a Window or for render to texture |
CInstance | Instance encapsulates the VkInstance |
CInstanceExtensions | |
CMemoryBufferPools | |
CPhysicalDevice | |
CQueue | Queue encapsulates a single vkQueue, used to submit vulkan commands for processing |
CAttachmentDescription | AttachmentDescription is used by RenderPass to specify VkAttachmentDescription settings |
CSubpassDependency | SubpassDependency is used by RenderPass to specify VkSubpassDependency settings |
CAttachmentReference | AttachmentReference is used by RenderPass to specify VkAttachmentReference settings |
CSubpassDescription | SubpassDescription is used by RenderPass to specify VkSubpassDescription settings |
CRenderPass | RenderPass encapsulation of VkRenderPass |
►CResourceRequirements | ResourceRequirements provides a container for various Vulkan resource requirements that can be used to help guide allocation of resources |
CDynamicData | |
CViewDetails | |
CCollectResourceRequirements | CollectResourceRequirements is a visitor class that collects the ResourceRequirements of a scene graph |
CSemaphore | Semaphore encapsulates VkSemaphore that is used to synchronize completion of vulkan commands with the start of other vulkan command submissions |
CStateStack | StateStack used internally by vsg::State to manage stack of vsg::StateCommand |
CMatrixStack | MatrixStack used internally by vsg::State to manage stack of projection or modelview matrices |
CFrustum | Frustum used internally by vsg::State to manage view fustum culling during vsg::RecordTraversal |
CState | Vsg::State is used by vsg::RecordTraversal to manage state stacks, projection and modelview matrices and frustum stacks |
CSurface | Surface encapsulates VkSurfaceKHR |
CSwapChainSupportDetails | Struct for holding available swapchain capabilities available on device |
CSwapchainPreferences | Swapchain preferences passed via WindowTraits::swapchainPreferences to guide swapchain creation associated with Window creation |
CSwapchain | Swapchain encapsulates vkSwapchainKHR |
Cvk_buffer | Vk_buffer that manages a single logical device supported |
►NvsgAndroid | |
CKeyboardMap | KeyboardMap maps Android keyboard events to vsg::KeySymbol |
CAndroid_Window | |
►NvsgiOS | |
CKeyboardMap | KeyboardMap maps iOS keyboard events to vsg::KeySymbol |
CiOS_Window | IOS_Window implements iOS specific window creation, event handling and vulkan Surface setup |
►NvsgMacOS | |
CKeyboardMap | KeyboardMap maps macOS keyboard events to vsg::KeySymbol |
CMacOS_Window | MacOS_Window implements macOS specific window creation, event handling and vulkan Surface setup |
►NvsgWin32 | |
CKeyboardMap | |
CWin32_Window | Win32_Window implements Win32 specific window creation, event handling and vulkan Surface setup |
►NvsgXcb | |
CKeyboardMap | KeyboardMap maps Xcb keyboard events to vsg::KeySymbol |
CXcb_Surface | Xcb_Surface implements XcbSurface creation |
CXcb_Window | Xcb_Window implements Xcb specific window creation, event handling and vulkan Surface setup |
CVkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureBuildSizesInfoKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureDeviceAddressInfoKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureGeometryAabbsDataKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureGeometryDataKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureGeometryInstancesDataKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureGeometryKHR | |
CVkAccelerationStructureGeometryTrianglesDataKHR | |
CVkAttachmentDescription2 | |
CVkAttachmentDescription2KHR | |
CVkAttachmentReference2 | |
CVkAttachmentReference2KHR | |
CVkBufferDeviceAddressInfo | |
CVkDebugUtilsLabelEXT | |
CVkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT | |
CVkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT | |
CVkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT | |
CVkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT | |
CVkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR | |
CVkDeviceOrHostAddressKHR | |
CVkDrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandEXT | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesKHR | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeaturesEXT | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesEXT | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT | |
CVkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetFeaturesKHR | |
CVkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetPropertiesKHR | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelineFeaturesKHR | |
CVkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR | |
CVkPipelineLibraryCreateInfoKHR | |
CVkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR | |
CVkRayTracingPipelineInterfaceCreateInfoKHR | |
CVkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR | |
CVkRenderPassCreateInfo2 | |
CVkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR | |
CVkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR | |
CVkSubpassDependency2 | |
CVkSubpassDependency2KHR | |
CVkSubpassDescription2 | |
CVkSubpassDescription2KHR | |
CVkSubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve | |
CVkWriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureKHR | |
Cvsg_iOS_View | |
Cvsg_iOS_ViewController | |
Cvsg_iOS_Window | |
CVsgVersion |