void | traverse (Visitor &visitor) override |
void | traverse (ConstVisitor &visitor) const override |
void | traverse (RecordTraversal &visitor) const override |
int | compare (const Object &rhs) const override |
| compare two objects, return -1 if this object is less than rhs, return 0 if it's equal, return 1 if rhs is greater,
void | read (Input &input) override |
void | write (Output &output) const override |
| Inherit (Args &&... args) |
std::size_t | sizeofObject () const noexcept override |
const char * | className () const noexcept override |
const std::type_info & | type_info () const noexcept override |
bool | is_compatible (const std::type_info &type) const noexcept override |
int | compare (const Object &rhs) const override |
void | accept (Visitor &visitor) override |
void | accept (ConstVisitor &visitor) const override |
void | accept (RecordTraversal &visitor) const override |
| Inherit (Args &&... args) |
| Object (const Object &) |
Object & | operator= (const Object &) |
template<class T > |
T * | cast () |
template<class T > |
const T * | cast () const |
void | ref () const noexcept |
void | unref () const noexcept |
void | unref_nodelete () const noexcept |
unsigned int | referenceCount () const noexcept |
template<typename T > |
void | setValue (const std::string &key, const T &value) |
void | setValue (const std::string &key, const char *value) |
| specialization of setValue to handle passing C strings
template<typename T > |
bool | getValue (const std::string &key, T &value) const |
| get specified value type, return false if value associated with key is not assigned or is not the correct type
void | setObject (const std::string &key, ref_ptr< Object > object) |
| assign an Object associated with key
Object * | getObject (const std::string &key) |
| get Object pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
const Object * | getObject (const std::string &key) const |
| get const Object pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T > |
T * | getObject (const std::string &key) |
| get object pointer of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T > |
const T * | getObject (const std::string &key) const |
| get const object pointer of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
ref_ptr< Object > | getRefObject (const std::string &key) |
| get ref_ptr<Object> associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
ref_ptr< const Object > | getRefObject (const std::string &key) const |
| get ref_ptr<const Object> pointer associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T > |
ref_ptr< T > | getRefObject (const std::string &key) |
| get ref_ptr<T> of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
template<class T > |
const ref_ptr< const T > | getRefObject (const std::string &key) const |
| get ref_ptr<const T> of specified type associated with key, return nullptr if no object associated with key has been assigned
void | removeObject (const std::string &key) |
| remove meta object or value associated with key
Auxiliary * | getOrCreateAuxiliary () |
Auxiliary * | getAuxiliary () |
const Auxiliary * | getAuxiliary () const |
template<class N , class V > |
static void | t_traverse (N &node, V &visitor) |
static ref_ptr< QuadGroup > | create (Args &&... args) |
static ref_ptr< QuadGroup > | create_if (bool flag, Args &&... args) |
static void * | operator new (std::size_t count) |
| provide new and delete to enable custom memory management via the vsg::Allocator singleton, using the MEMORY_NODES_OBJECTS
static void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
static ref_ptr< Node > | create (Args &&... args) |
static ref_ptr< Node > | create_if (bool flag, Args &&... args) |
static ref_ptr< Object > | create () |
static ref_ptr< Object > | create_if (bool flag) |
static void * | operator new (std::size_t count) |
| provide new and delete to enable custom memory management via the vsg::Allocator singleton, using the MEMORY_AFFINTY_OBJECTS
static void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
QuadGroup is a specialized group node that manages 4 children, designed to minimize the CPU overhead of traversing quad trees. The number of children is fixed and all children are assumed to be set before traversal of the scene graph, failure to set up correctly will lead to memory faults, this is a deliberate choice as any checks for pointer validity will incur CPU overhead.