Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ include | |
▼ vsg | |
► app | |
Camera.h | |
CloseHandler.h | |
CommandGraph.h | |
CompileManager.h | |
CompileTraversal.h | |
EllipsoidModel.h | |
Presentation.h | |
ProjectionMatrix.h | |
RecordAndSubmitTask.h | |
RecordTraversal.h | |
RenderGraph.h | |
SecondaryCommandGraph.h | |
Trackball.h | |
TransferTask.h | |
UpdateOperations.h | |
View.h | |
Viewer.h | |
ViewMatrix.h | |
Window.h | |
WindowAdapter.h | |
WindowResizeHandler.h | |
WindowTraits.h | |
► commands | |
BeginQuery.h | |
BindIndexBuffer.h | |
BindVertexBuffers.h | |
BlitImage.h | |
ClearAttachments.h | |
ClearImage.h | |
Command.h | |
Commands.h | |
CopyAndReleaseBuffer.h | |
CopyAndReleaseImage.h | |
CopyImage.h | |
CopyImageToBuffer.h | |
CopyImageViewToWindow.h | |
CopyQueryPoolResults.h | |
Dispatch.h | |
Draw.h | |
DrawIndexed.h | |
DrawIndexedIndirect.h | |
DrawIndirect.h | |
DrawIndirectCommand.h | |
EndQuery.h | |
Event.h | |
ExecuteCommands.h | |
NextSubPass.h | |
PipelineBarrier.h | |
ResetQueryPool.h | |
ResolveImage.h | |
SetDepthBias.h | |
SetLineWidth.h | |
SetScissor.h | |
SetViewport.h | |
WriteTimestamp.h | |
► core | |
Allocator.h | |
Array.h | |
Array2D.h | |
Array3D.h | |
Auxiliary.h | |
compare.h | |
ConstVisitor.h | |
contains.h | |
Data.h | |
Exception.h | |
Export.h | |
External.h | |
Inherit.h | |
Mask.h | |
MemorySlots.h | |
Object.h | |
Objects.h | |
observer_ptr.h | |
ref_ptr.h | |
ScratchMemory.h | |
type_name.h | |
Value.h | |
Version.h | |
visit.h | |
Visitor.h | |
► io | |
AsciiInput.h | |
AsciiOutput.h | |
BinaryInput.h | |
BinaryOutput.h | |
convert_utf.h | |
DatabasePager.h | |
FileSystem.h | |
glsl.h | |
Input.h | |
Logger.h | |
mem_stream.h | |
ObjectFactory.h | |
Options.h | |
Output.h | |
Path.h | |
read.h | |
read_line.h | |
ReaderWriter.h | |
spirv.h | |
stream.h | |
tile.h | |
txt.h | |
VSG.h | |
write.h | |
► maths | |
box.h | |
clamp.h | |
color.h | |
common.h | |
mat3.h | |
mat4.h | |
plane.h | |
quat.h | |
sample.h | |
sphere.h | |
transform.h | |
vec2.h | |
vec3.h | |
vec4.h | |
► meshshaders | |
DrawMeshTasks.h | |
DrawMeshTasksIndirect.h | |
DrawMeshTasksIndirectCount.h | |
► nodes | |
AbsoluteTransform.h | |
Bin.h | |
Compilable.h | |
CullGroup.h | |
CullNode.h | |
DepthSorted.h | |
Geometry.h | |
Group.h | |
Light.h | |
LOD.h | |
MatrixTransform.h | |
Node.h | |
PagedLOD.h | |
QuadGroup.h | |
StateGroup.h | |
Switch.h | |
TileDatabase.h | |
Transform.h | |
VertexDraw.h | |
VertexIndexDraw.h | |
► platform | |
► android | |
Android_Window.h | |
► ios | |
iOS_ViewController.h | |
iOS_Window.h | |
► macos | |
MacOS_Window.h | |
► win32 | |
Win32_Window.h | |
► xcb | |
Xcb_Window.h | |
► raytracing | |
AccelerationGeometry.h | |
AccelerationStructure.h | |
BottomLevelAccelerationStructure.h | |
BuildAccelerationStructureTraversal.h | |
DescriptorAccelerationStructure.h | |
RayTracingPipeline.h | |
RayTracingShaderGroup.h | |
TopLevelAccelerationStructure.h | |
TraceRays.h | |
► state | |
ArrayState.h | |
BindDescriptorSet.h | |
Buffer.h | |
BufferInfo.h | |
BufferView.h | |
ColorBlendState.h | |
ComputePipeline.h | |
DepthStencilState.h | |
Descriptor.h | |
DescriptorBuffer.h | |
DescriptorImage.h | |
DescriptorSet.h | |
DescriptorSetLayout.h | |
DescriptorTexelBufferView.h | |
DynamicState.h | |
GraphicsPipeline.h | |
Image.h | |
ImageInfo.h | |
ImageView.h | |
InputAssemblyState.h | |
material.h | |
MultisampleState.h | |
PipelineLayout.h | |
PushConstants.h | |
QueryPool.h | |
RasterizationState.h | |
ResourceHints.h | |
Sampler.h | |
ShaderModule.h | |
ShaderStage.h | |
StateCommand.h | |
StateSwitch.h | |
TessellationState.h | |
VertexInputState.h | |
ViewDependentState.h | |
ViewportState.h | |
► text | |
CpuLayoutTechnique.h | |
Font.h | |
GlyphMetrics.h | |
GpuLayoutTechnique.h | |
StandardLayout.h | |
Text.h | |
TextGroup.h | |
TextLayout.h | |
TextTechnique.h | |
► threading | |
ActivityStatus.h | |
Affinity.h | |
atomics.h | |
Barrier.h | |
FrameBlock.h | |
Latch.h | |
OperationQueue.h | |
OperationThreads.h | |
► ui | |
ApplicationEvent.h | |
CollectEvents.h | |
FrameStamp.h | |
Keyboard.h | |
KeyEvent.h | |
PlayEvents.h | |
PointerEvent.h | |
PrintEvents.h | |
RecordEvents.h | |
ScrollWheelEvent.h | |
ShiftEventTime.h | |
TouchEvent.h | |
UIEvent.h | |
WindowEvent.h | |
► utils | |
AnimationPath.h | |
Builder.h | |
CommandLine.h | |
ComputeBounds.h | |
GraphicsPipelineConfigurator.h | |
Intersector.h | |
LineSegmentIntersector.h | |
LoadPagedLOD.h | |
ShaderCompiler.h | |
ShaderSet.h | |
SharedObjects.h | |
► vk | |
AllocationCallbacks.h | |
CommandBuffer.h | |
CommandPool.h | |
Context.h | |
DescriptorPool.h | |
Device.h | |
DeviceExtensions.h | |
DeviceFeatures.h | |
DeviceMemory.h | |
Fence.h | |
Framebuffer.h | |
Instance.h | |
InstanceExtensions.h | |
MemoryBufferPools.h | |
PhysicalDevice.h | |
Queue.h | |
RenderPass.h | |
ResourceRequirements.h | |
Semaphore.h | |
State.h | |
SubmitCommands.h | |
Surface.h | |
Swapchain.h | |
vk_buffer.h | |
vulkan.h | |
all.h | |