vsgImGui  0.0.0
VulkanSceneGraph 3rd party data integration library
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
ImPlotColormapData Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for ImPlotColormapData:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int Append (const char *name, const ImU32 *keys, int count, bool qual)
void _AppendTable (ImPlotColormap cmap)
void RebuildTables ()
bool IsQual (ImPlotColormap cmap) const
const char * GetName (ImPlotColormap cmap) const
ImPlotColormap GetIndex (const char *name) const
const ImU32 * GetKeys (ImPlotColormap cmap) const
int GetKeyCount (ImPlotColormap cmap) const
ImU32 GetKeyColor (ImPlotColormap cmap, int idx) const
void SetKeyColor (ImPlotColormap cmap, int idx, ImU32 value)
const ImU32 * GetTable (ImPlotColormap cmap) const
int GetTableSize (ImPlotColormap cmap) const
ImU32 GetTableColor (ImPlotColormap cmap, int idx) const
ImU32 LerpTable (ImPlotColormap cmap, float t) const

Public Attributes

ImVector< ImU32 > Keys
ImVector< int > KeyCounts
ImVector< int > KeyOffsets
ImVector< ImU32 > Tables
ImVector< int > TableSizes
ImVector< int > TableOffsets
ImGuiTextBuffer Text
ImVector< int > TextOffsets
ImVector< bool > Quals
ImGuiStorage Map
int Count

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