vsgImGui  0.0.0
VulkanSceneGraph 3rd party data integration library
Public Attributes | List of all members
ImPlotSubplot Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for ImPlotSubplot:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

ImPlotSubplotFlags Flags
ImPlotSubplotFlags PreviousFlags
ImPlotItemGroup Items
int Rows
int Cols
int CurrentIdx
ImRect FrameRect
ImRect GridRect
ImVec2 CellSize
ImVector< ImPlotAlignmentDataRowAlignmentData
ImVector< ImPlotAlignmentDataColAlignmentData
ImVector< float > RowRatios
ImVector< float > ColRatios
ImVector< ImPlotRangeRowLinkData
ImVector< ImPlotRangeColLinkData
float TempSizes [2]
bool FrameHovered
bool HasTitle

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: