VulkanSceneGraph library
This is the complete list of members for vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator, including all inherited members.
_assignInheritedSets() (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | protected |
_assignShaderSetSettings() (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | protected |
_attemptDelete() const (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | protectedvirtual |
accept(Visitor &visitor) override (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinevirtual |
accept(ConstVisitor &visitor) const override (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinevirtual |
accept(RecordTraversal &visitor) const override (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinevirtual |
assignArray(DataList &arrays, const std::string &name, VkVertexInputRate vertexInputRate, ref_ptr< Data > array) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
assignDescriptor(const std::string &name, ref_ptr< Data > data={}, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
assignDescriptor(const std::string &name, const BufferInfoList &bufferInfoList, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
assignInheritedState(const StateCommands &stateCommands) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
assignTexture(const std::string &name, ref_ptr< Data > textureData={}, ref_ptr< Sampler > sampler={}, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
assignTexture(const std::string &name, const ImageInfoList &imageInfoList, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
assignUniform(const std::string &name, ref_ptr< Data > data={}) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | inline |
baseAttributeBinding (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
bindGraphicsPipeline (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
cast() (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inline |
cast() const (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inline |
className() const noexcept override (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinevirtual |
compare(const Object &rhs) const override | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | virtual |
copyTo(StateCommands &stateCommands, ref_ptr< SharedObjects > sharedObjects={}) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | virtual |
copyTo(ref_ptr< StateGroup > stateGroup, ref_ptr< SharedObjects > sharedObjects={}) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | virtual |
create(Args &&... args) (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinestatic |
create() (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inlinestatic |
create_if(bool flag, Args &&... args) (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinestatic |
create_if(bool flag) (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inlinestatic |
descriptorConfigurator (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
enableArray(const std::string &name, VkVertexInputRate vertexInputRate, uint32_t stride, VkFormat format=VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
enableDescriptor(const std::string &name) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
enableTexture(const std::string &name) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
enableUniform(const std::string &name) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | inline |
getAuxiliary() (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inline |
getAuxiliary() const (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inline |
getObject(const std::string &key) | vsg::Object | |
getObject(const std::string &key) const | vsg::Object | |
getObject(const std::string &key) | vsg::Object | inline |
getObject(const std::string &key) const | vsg::Object | inline |
getOrCreateAuxiliary() (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | |
getRefObject(const std::string &key) | vsg::Object | |
getRefObject(const std::string &key) const | vsg::Object | |
getRefObject(const std::string &key) | vsg::Object | inline |
getRefObject(const std::string &key) const | vsg::Object | inline |
getSuitableArrayState() const | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | virtual |
getValue(const std::string &key, T &value) const | vsg::Object | |
graphicsPipeline (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
GraphicsPipelineConfigurator(ref_ptr< ShaderSet > in_shaderSet={}) (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
Inherit(Args &&... args) (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inline |
inheritedSets (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
inheritedState (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
init() | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | virtual |
is_compatible(const std::type_info &type) const noexcept override (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinevirtual |
layout (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
Object() (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | |
Object(const Object &) (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | |
operator delete(void *ptr) (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | static |
operator new(std::size_t count) | vsg::Object | static |
operator=(const Object &) (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | |
pipelineStates (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
read(Input &input) (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | virtual |
ref() const noexcept (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inline |
referenceCount() const noexcept (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inline |
removeObject(const std::string &key) | vsg::Object | |
reset() (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
setAuxiliary(Auxiliary *auxiliary) (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | protected |
setObject(const std::string &key, ref_ptr< Object > object) | vsg::Object | |
setValue(const std::string &key, const T &value) | vsg::Object | |
setValue(const std::string &key, const char *value) | vsg::Object | inline |
shaderHints (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
shaderSet (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
sizeofObject() const noexcept override (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinevirtual |
subpass (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | |
traverse(Visitor &visitor) override (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | virtual |
traverse(ConstVisitor &visitor) const override (defined in vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator) | vsg::GraphicsPipelineConfigurator | virtual |
traverse(RecordTraversal &) const (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inlinevirtual |
type_info() const noexcept override (defined in vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator >) | vsg::Inherit< Object, GraphicsPipelineConfigurator > | inlinevirtual |
unref() const noexcept (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inline |
unref_nodelete() const noexcept (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | inline |
write(Output &output) const (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | virtual |
~Object() (defined in vsg::Object) | vsg::Object | protectedvirtual |