The class definitions for the internal nodes of the scene graph can be found in the VulkanSceneGraph/include/vsg/nodes directory. All scene graph nodes are subclassed from the vsg::Node base class. Examples that illustrate use of various node classes can be found in the vsgExamples/examples/nodes directory.

Node Base class

Class Header Functionality
vsg::Node Node.h Node base class

Group nodes

Class Header Functionality
vsg::Group Group.h Group node
vsg::QuadGroup QuadGroup.h QuadGroup is a fixed sized group for building high performance quad trees
vsg::Switch Switch.h Switch node provides support for switching between children

Culling nodes

Class Header Functionality
vsg::CullGroup CullGroup.h Culling group that culls a bounding sphere against view frustum
vsg::CullNode CullNode.h Culling node that culls a bounding sphere against view frustum
vsg::LOD LOD.h Level of Detail node that culls based on projected size of bounding sphere
vsg::PagedLOD PagedLOD.h Level of Detall node that has a low res child and high res child with file reference
vsg::TileDatabase TileDatabase.h  

Transformation nodes

Class Header Functionality
vsg::Transform Transform.h Transform base class for nodes that provide an interface for defining transforms of a subgraph
vsg::MatrixTransform MatrixTransform.h Transform node that provides a 4x4 matrix to transform relative to parent coordinate frame
vsg::AbsoluteTransform AbsoluteTransform.h Transform node that provides a 4x4 matrix that ignores parent coordinate frame to provide an absolute frame of reference

Geometry nodes

Class Header Functionality
vsg::Geometry Geometry.h General purpose geometry node, provides a list of arrays and list of draw commands
vsg::VertexDraw VertexDraw.h High performance geometry node, provides a list of arrays and a single draw command
vsg::VertexIndexDraw VertexIndexDraw.h High performance geometry node, provides a list of arrays, an index array and a single indexed draw command

State nodes

Class Header Functionality
vsg::StateGroup StateGroup.h State group node that provides a list of StateCommands to decorate a subgraph
vsg::Light Light.h Light node provides all the settings for positioning a light source, and controlling its type and color

Draw order control

Class Header Functionality
vsg::Bin Bin.h Bin node provides a way of controlling the record order of its children
vsg::DepthSorted DepthSorted.h Depth sorted node provides controls for depth sorting of its subgraph
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