The VulkanSceneGraph provides extensible support for reading/writing scene graphs and associated objects. Extensibility can be found at the low level of serialization support for individual objects and high level with ReaderWriters that support reading/writing of single objects or collections of objects to files/streams. Cross platform file system functionality is also provided where C++17 support is lacking. An extensible vsg::Logger and i/ostream support for native types rounds out functionality found in the include/vsg/io directory.

The VulkanSceneGraph library provides extensible reading/writing support for scene graphs and associated objects via the vsg::ReaderWriter class. Subclasses of ReaderWriter provided by the VulkanSceneGraph library itself are:

  • vsg::VSG - reading/writing native .vsgt ascii & .vsgb binary file format
  • vsg::spirv - reading/writing .spv SPIRV shader files
  • vsg::glsl - reading GLSL shader files.
  • vsg::txt - reading text files as vsg::stringValue for later parsing by users
  • vsg::tile - native tile based database paging

Developers may call ReaderWriter directly, but for most use cases they will use the vsg::read() and read_cast() functions that are found in the include/vsg/io/read.h header. The vsg::read*() functions will invoke the appropriate ReaderWriter based on the file extension, for example:

// read a file and on success return a vsg::ref_ptr<vsg::Object> to the loaded object
auto object = vsg::read("object.vsgt");

// use read_cast<T> to cast to specific type and ref_ptr<T> pointer
auto data = vsg::read_cast<vsg::Data>("image.vsgt");

// use read_cast<T> to cast to specific type and ref_ptr<T> pointer
auto vertexShader = vsg::read_cast<vsg::ShaderStage>("shader.vert");

Write functions are found in include/vsg/io/write.h, usage is in the form of:

// create an object
auto value = vsg::stringValue("mystring");

// write to native ascii file format
vsg::write(value, "value.vsgt");

Options & vsgXchange intro

Customization and extension of reading and writing is provided by the vsg::Options object that can be passed to the vsg::read(..) and vsg::write(..) methods. You can pass in the ReaderWriters that you wish to use, placing them in the order you want them invoked. vsg::Options is subclassed from vsg::Object so has all the standard meta data capabilities and adds IO specific settings. The most common task will be passing in the paths to search for files, and the ReaderWriters to check, such as adding in support for the ReaderWriters provided by vsgXchange. The usage pattern is:

#include <vsg/all.h>
#include <vsgXchange/all.h>

int main(int, char**)
    // create the options object that will tell the vsg::read() function what to use when reading files/istreams
    auto options = vsg::Options::create();

    // set up the paths
    options->paths = vsg::getEnvPaths("VSG_FILE_PATH");

    // assign the ReaderWriters to use when read/writing

    // load GLTF model using vsgXchange::assimp that is included in vsgXchange::all, passing in options so read knows what to use
    auto model = vsg::read_cast<vsg::Node>("FlightHelmet.gltf", options);

    return 0;

The full options available are:

class VSG_DECLSPEC Options : public Inherit<Object, Options>
    explicit Options(const Options& options);

    template<typename... Args>
    explicit Options(Args... args)
        (add(args), ...);

    Options& operator=(const Options& rhs) = delete;

    /// read command line options, assign values to this options object to later use with reading/writing files
    virtual bool readOptions(CommandLine& arguments);

    void read(Input& input) override;
    void write(Output& output) const override;

    void add(ref_ptr<ReaderWriter> rw = {});
    void add(const ReaderWriters& rws);

    ref_ptr<SharedObjects> sharedObjects;
    ReaderWriters readerWriters;
    ref_ptr<OperationThreads> operationThreads;

    /// Hint to use when searching for Paths with vsg::findFile(filename, options);
    enum FindFileHint
        CHECK_ORIGINAL_FILENAME_EXISTS_FIRST, /// check the filename exists with its original path before trying to find it in Options::paths.
        CHECK_ORIGINAL_FILENAME_EXISTS_LAST,  /// check the filename exists with its original path after failing to find it in Options::paths.
        ONLY_CHECK_PATHS                      /// only check the filename exists in the Options::paths
    FindFileHint checkFilenameHint = CHECK_ORIGINAL_FILENAME_EXISTS_FIRST;

    Paths paths;

    using FindFileCallback = std::function<Path(const Path& filename, const Options* options)>;
    FindFileCallback findFileCallback;

    Path fileCache;

    Path extensionHint;
    bool mapRGBtoRGBAHint = true;

    /// Coordinate convention to use for scene graph
    CoordinateConvention sceneCoordinateConvention = CoordinateConvention::Z_UP;

    /// Coordinate convention to assume for specified lower case file formats extensions
    std::map<Path, CoordinateConvention> formatCoordinateConventions;

    /// User defined ShaderSet map, loaders should check the available ShaderSet using the name of the type of ShaderSet.
    /// Standard names are :
    ///     "pbr" will substitute for vsg::createPhysicsBasedRenderingShaderSet()
    ///     "phong" will substitute for vsg::createPhongShaderSet()
    ///     "flat" will substitute for vsg::createFlatShadedShaderSet()
    ///     "text" will substitute for vsg::createTextShaderSet()
    std::map<std::string, ref_ptr<ShaderSet>> shaderSets;

    virtual ~Options();

In later chapters we’ll revisit the features of vsg::Options in more depth.


The vsg::ReaderWriter base class provides the mechanism for implementing support for both native and 3rd party file formats. The Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern is used with each ReaderWriter implementation taking responsibility for whether it can handle reading from or writing to a file or stream. The ReaderWriters are invoked by the vsg::read(..)/vsg::write() calls in the order that they appear in the vsg::Options::readerWriters list, and if none can handle the read/write then the built in ReaderWriters are called as fallback.

There are three types of each of the virtual ReaderWriter::read(..) methods that take filename, istream or a block of memory as the source to read, and two types of virtual ReaderWrite::write(..) methods that take a filename or ostream to write to. A virtual ReaderWriter::getFeatures(..) method provides a way to reporting to applications whether read/write features are supported. The full public interface to ReaderWriter is:

/// Base class for providing support for reading and/or writing various file formats and IO protocols
class VSG_DECLSPEC ReaderWriter : public Inherit<Object, ReaderWriter>
    using vsg::Object::read;
    using vsg::Object::write;

    /// convenience method for casting a read object to a specified type.
    template<class T>
    vsg::ref_ptr<T> read_cast(const vsg::Path& filename, vsg::ref_ptr<const vsg::Options> options = {}) const
        auto object = read(filename, options);
        return vsg::ref_ptr<T>(dynamic_cast<T*>(object.get()));

    /// convenience method for casting a read object to a specified type.
    template<class T>
    vsg::ref_ptr<T> read_cast(std::istream& fin, vsg::ref_ptr<const vsg::Options> options = {}) const
        auto object = read(fin, options);
        return vsg::ref_ptr<T>(dynamic_cast<T*>(object.get()));

    /// convenience method for casting a read object to a specified type.
    template<class T>
    vsg::ref_ptr<T> read_cast(const uint8_t* ptr, size_t size, vsg::ref_ptr<const vsg::Options> options = {}) const
        auto object = read(ptr, size, options);
        return vsg::ref_ptr<T>(dynamic_cast<T*>(object.get()));

    /// read object from file, return object on success, return null ref_ptr<> if format not supported, or return ReadError on failure.
    virtual vsg::ref_ptr<vsg::Object> read(const vsg::Path& /*filename*/, vsg::ref_ptr<const vsg::Options> = {}) const { return vsg::ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(); }

    /// read object from input stream, return object on success, return null ref_ptr<> if format not supported, or return ReadError on failure.
    virtual vsg::ref_ptr<vsg::Object> read(std::istream& /*fin*/, vsg::ref_ptr<const vsg::Options> = {}) const { return vsg::ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(); }

    /// read object from memory block, return object on success, return null ref_ptr<> if format not supported, or return ReadError on failure.
    virtual vsg::ref_ptr<vsg::Object> read(const uint8_t* /*ptr*/, size_t /*size*/, vsg::ref_ptr<const vsg::Options> = {}) const { return vsg::ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(); }

    /// write object to file, return true on success, return false on failure.
    virtual bool write(const vsg::Object* /*object*/, const vsg::Path& /*filename*/, vsg::ref_ptr<const vsg::Options> = {}) const { return false; }

    /// write object to output stream, return true on success, return false on failure.
    virtual bool write(const vsg::Object* /*object*/, std::ostream& /*fout*/, vsg::ref_ptr<const vsg::Options> = {}) const { return false; }

    /// read the command line arguments for any options appropriate for this ReaderWriter
    virtual bool readOptions(Options&, CommandLine&) const { return false; }

    enum FeatureMask
        READ_FILENAME = (1 << 0),
        READ_ISTREAM = (1 << 1),
        READ_MEMORY = (1 << 2),
        WRITE_FILENAME = (1 << 3),
        WRITE_OSTREAM = (1 << 4)

    struct Features
        std::map<vsg::Path, FeatureMask> protocolFeatureMap;
        std::map<vsg::Path, FeatureMask> extensionFeatureMap;
        std::map<std::string, std::string> optionNameTypeMap;

    /// get the Features supported by this ReaderWriter
    virtual bool getFeatures(Features&) const { return false; }
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