The VulkanSceneGraph provides a number of features that provide richer and more efficient RunTime Type Information (RTTI) and type safe operations than are provided by C++ itself. These features are provided by the vsg::Object base class and by two companion base classes, the vsg::Visitor and vsg::ConstVisitor, with the vsg::Inherit CRTP class providing convenient implementations of the required methods. In this section we’ll focus on the RTTI features provided by vsg::Object/vsg::Inherit.

RTTI features provided by vsg::Object

The vsg::Object base class provides the following methods dedicated to RTTI:

virtual const char* className() const noexcept { return type_name<Object>(); }

/// return the std::type_info of this Object
virtual const std::type_info& type_info() const noexcept { return typeid(Object); }
virtual bool is_compatible(const std::type_info& type) const noexcept { return typeid(Object) == type; }

template<class T>
T* cast() { return is_compatible(typeid(T)) ? static_cast<T*>(this) : nullptr; }

template<class T>
const T* cast() const { return is_compatible(typeid(T)) ? static_cast<const T*>(this) : nullptr; }

/// compare two objects, return -1 if this object is less than rhs, return 0 if it's equal, return 1 if rhs is greater,
virtual int compare(const Object& rhs) const;

The vsg::Object::className() method is implemented using the vsg::type_name<> template function, specializations of vsg::type_name<> are in turn provided by the VSG_type_name() and EVSG_type_name() macro functions that can be placed before/after a class definition, both of these features are defined in include/vsg/core/value_type.h. The VSG_type_name() macro can be used for classes within the vsg namespace like vsg::Group, while the EVSG_type_name() version can be used for classes defined in other namespaces, such as what you see in vsgXchange.

The vsg::Object::type_info() method provides a convenient way to access the std::type_info of a particular object, and vsg::Object::is_compatible(const std::type_info&) method provides a method that can not just check whether a type is the same, but whether it may be derived from that type and thus compatible with treatment as that type. The vsg::Inherit<> class can be used to automatically implement the required type_info() and is_compatible() methods.

The vsg::Object::cast<>() template methods use the Object::is_compatible() method to decide whether one can directly cast to a desired type using static_cast<> without the high CPU overhead of invoking dynamic_cast<>.

The vsg::Object::compare(..) method provides a way of comparing two objects, both the type and the contents of the object. The int std::memcmp(..) convention is used, with negative for A<B, zero for A==B and positive for A>B. The vsg::Inherit<> class provides a very basic compare(..) implementation but it’s recommended to implement this locally for any class that holds anything more than simple types. The include/vsg/core/compare.h header provides a range of convenience template functions to make the task easier.

To illustrate these features, with the RTTI example, we’ll declare a custom class in its own namespace and use Inherit to implement the RTTI methods, EVSG_type_name to provide the human readable naming and implement the compare() method.

namespace astro
    class Body : public vsg::Inherit<vsg::Object, Body>

        std::string name = "Universe";
        double age = 13.4e9; // years

        int compare(const Object& rhs_object) const override
            int result = Object::compare(rhs_object);
            if (result != 0) return result;

            auto& rhs = static_cast<decltype(*this)>(rhs_object);
            if ((result = vsg::compare_value(age, rhs.age))) return result;
            return vsg::compare_value(name,;

We can then use this functionality in application code, first we create our main objects, assign them to a vector of ref_ptr<astro::Body> and print them out:

    // second constructed body object
    auto sun = astro::Body::create();
    sun->name = "Sun";
    sun->age = 5.603; // 5.603 billion years

    auto earth = astro::Body::create();
    earth->name = "Earth";
    earth->age = 4.543; // 4.543 billion years

    auto moon = astro::Body::create();
    moon->name = "Moon";
    moon->age = 4.51; // 4.51 billion years

    auto mars = astro::Body::create();
    mars->name = "Mars";
    mars->age = 4.603; // 4.603 billion years

    std::vector<vsg::ref_ptr<astro::Body>> bodies{sun, mars, earth, moon};

    std::cout<<"Bodies before sorting"<<std::endl;
    for(auto& body : bodies)
        std::cout<<"    pointer = "<<body<<", class = "<<body->className()<<", name = "<<body->name<<", age = "<<body->age<<std::endl;

The console output from this block is:

Bodies before sorting
    pointer = ref_ptr<astro::Body>(astro::Body 0x7f8faf5c6010), class = astro::Body, name = Sun, age = 5.603
    pointer = ref_ptr<astro::Body>(astro::Body 0x7f8faf5c60d0), class = astro::Body, name = Mars, age = 4.603
    pointer = ref_ptr<astro::Body>(astro::Body 0x7f8faf5c6050), class = astro::Body, name = Earth, age = 4.543
    pointer = ref_ptr<astro::Body>(astro::Body 0x7f8faf5c6090), class = astro::Body, name = Moon, age = 4.51

To test out RTTI support we’ll assign the body objects to a more generic vector<ref_ptr>, assign some extra vsg::Object instances, and then leveraging the compare() functionality sort the vector and print out the results:

    // copy the bodies container over to a more generic objects container,
    // to illustrate how subclassing still works with more generic types
    std::vector<vsg::ref_ptr<vsg::Object>> objects(bodies.begin(), bodies.end());

    auto satellite = vsg::Object::create();
    satellite->setValue("name", "Hubble Space Telescope");

    auto spacecraft = vsg::Object::create();
    spacecraft->setValue("name", "Apollo 11");

    // use the vsg::DereferenceLess functor which implements the < operator
    // that dereferences the ref_ptr<> and compares using the custom Object::compare(),
    std::sort(objects.begin(), objects.end(), vsg::DereferenceLess());

    std::cout<<"Bodies after adding extra objects and sorting"<<std::endl;
    for(auto& object : objects)
        // to access the specific Body member variables we need to cast from ref_ptr<vsg::Object> to ref_ptr<astro::Body>
        // ref_ptr<>.cast() is implemented using the vsg::Object::cast<>() to efficiently replace a dynamic_cast<>.
        if (auto body = object.cast<astro::Body>())
            std::cout<<"    pointer = "<<body<<", class = "<<body->className()<<", name = "<<body->name<<", age = "<<body->age<<std::endl;
            if (std::string name; object->getValue("name", name))
                std::cout<<"    pointer = "<<object<<", class = "<<object->className()<<", name = "<<name<<std::endl;
                std::cout<<"    pointer = "<<object<<", class = "<<object->className()<<std::endl;

The console output from this block is:

    pointer = ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(vsg::Object 0x7fbd421c6128), class = vsg::Object, name = Apollo 11
    pointer = ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(vsg::Object 0x7fbd421c6110), class = vsg::Object, name = Hubble Space Telescope
    pointer = ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(astro::Body 0x7fbd421c6090), class = astro::Body, name = Moon, age = 4.51
    pointer = ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(astro::Body 0x7fbd421c6050), class = astro::Body, name = Earth, age = 4.543
    pointer = ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(astro::Body 0x7fbd421c60d0), class = astro::Body, name = Mars, age = 4.603
    pointer = ref_ptr<vsg::Object>(astro::Body 0x7fbd421c6010), class = astro::Body, name = Sun, age = 5.603

Note that the sorting has first grouped the different types in order, then sorted within the same object types. With this console output we also see how VSG’s smart pointers can provide richer information about pointers, the type of pointer and the type of object it points to.

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