The VulkanSceneGraph library provides the features that will be common to all graphics & compute applications - creating a viewer, windows, scene graph, reading/writing data, creating Vulkan objects and recording Vulkan commands, synchronizing with Vulkan processes and CPU threads, 3d vector maths and common utilities like computing bounds and intersection test and shader composition and compilation.

Feature organization

All VulkanSceneGraph projects follow the same structure - public headers can be found in include/ directories and the implementation can be found in the src/ directories. This pattern is used to make it clear to end users what part they will interface with, and as clear demarcation to library developers & contributors that interfaces and implementations both have distinct roles. When installing the software it will only be the files in the include directories and any built libraries + cmake config files that will be installed.

The vsg library headers are grouped in the following include/vsg subdirectories:

Foundational class directories:

  • core - base classes, smart pointer, data containers, allocators and visitor base classes
  • maths - GLSL style maths classes, similar to glm
  • io - serialization and built-in reader/writers.

Scene graph class directories:

  • commands - scene graph nodes for Vulkan Commands
  • state - scene graph objects for setting Vulkan state.
  • nodes - scene graph nodes like groups, switches & transforms
  • text - text scene graph nodes
  • meshshaders - Khronos Mesh Shader support
  • raytracing - Khronos Ray Tracing support

Application class directories:

  • vk - high level Vulkan integration such as VkInstance/VkDevice etc.
  • app - application level Vulkan classes
  • platform - platform specific Windowing support
  • ui - user interface classes such as mouse and keyboard events
  • utils - collection of utilities such as intersections through to shader composition and compilation.
  • threading - threading classes and helper functions

The sections of the vsgTutorial are grouped in this way so that as you work through you’ll be introduced to Foundational, Scene Graph and Application areas in turn.

Naming conventions

All VulkanSceneGraph projects use the following naming conventions:

Project Library Namespace CMake package
VulkanSceneGraph vsg vsg:: find_package(vsg)
vsgXchange vsgXchange vsgXchange:: find_package(vsgXchange)
vsgImGui vsgImGui vsgImGui:: find_package(vsgImGui)
vsgQt vsgQt vsgQt:: find_package(vsgQt)

All Vulkan related classes in the VulkanSceneGraph follow the naming conventions VkFeatureName -> vsg::FeatureName, for example:

Vulkan VulkanSceneGraph
VkInstance vsg::Instance
VkPhysicalDevice vsg::PhysicalDevice
VkDevice vsg::Device
VkFramebuffer vsg::Framebuffer
VkSurface vsg::Surface

The class and variable naming convention is predominantly CamelCase but there are cases where we use snake_case. If a function/template or struct mirrors a Standard C++ feature, then snake_case may be used. For the GLSL inspired math, support structs are used and have a leading lower case letter i.e. vsg::vec3 and vsg::mat4.

Public/Protected/Private scope conventions

Classes in the VulkanSceneGraph predominantly follow the declaration of scope in order of public interface through to internal implementation details. The naming of public member variables and methods follow camelCase while protected and private member variables and methods are prefixed with a _ so that their roles can be seen in the declaration and implementation.

For the same reasons that headers and source files are kept in distinct include and src directories, this convention is used to make it clear to end users and to implementers that public facing variables and methods are special. As end users will directly use public members and methods, priority is given to maintaining consistency of their naming and types, while the protected and private members are implementation details that may be more subject to change.

class MyClass
    bool enabled = true;
    void publicMethod();

    int _count = 0;
    void _protectedMethod();

    float _forDevelopersOnly = 1;

Where data members can vary independently those members are simply declared in the public scope and can be set directly, this mirrors Vulkan CreateInfo structs used to set up Vulkan objects, as well as keeping the usage simple and the code base clean and minimal. This coherence with Vulkan also means it’s easier to reuse Vulkan documentation. If a class only has public scope we simply declare it as a struct.

struct KeepItSimple
    std::string name;
    float value = 0.0f;

For cases where data members have a dependency, a protected or private member is used and access is managed through public methods:

class AnotherClass
    void setValue(float v) { _value = v; ++_modifiedCount; }
    float getValue() const { return _value;}

    int getModifiedCount() const { return _modifiedCount; }

    float _value = 0.0f;
    int _modifiedCount = 0;
Prev: Ecosystem Next: Building the VulkanSceneGraph projects and vsgTutorial exercises