vsgImGui  0.0.0
VulkanSceneGraph 3rd party data integration library
Public Attributes | List of all members
ImPlotStyle Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for ImPlotStyle:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

float LineWeight
int Marker
float MarkerSize
float MarkerWeight
float FillAlpha
float ErrorBarSize
float ErrorBarWeight
float DigitalBitHeight
float DigitalBitGap
float PlotBorderSize
float MinorAlpha
ImVec2 MajorTickLen
ImVec2 MinorTickLen
ImVec2 MajorTickSize
ImVec2 MinorTickSize
ImVec2 MajorGridSize
ImVec2 MinorGridSize
ImVec2 PlotPadding
ImVec2 LabelPadding
ImVec2 LegendPadding
ImVec2 LegendInnerPadding
ImVec2 LegendSpacing
ImVec2 MousePosPadding
ImVec2 AnnotationPadding
ImVec2 FitPadding
ImVec2 PlotDefaultSize
ImVec2 PlotMinSize
ImVec4 Colors [ImPlotCol_COUNT]
ImPlotColormap Colormap
bool UseLocalTime
bool UseISO8601
bool Use24HourClock

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: