vsgImGui  0.0.0
VulkanSceneGraph 3rd party data integration library
Public Attributes | List of all members
ImGuiTableColumn Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for ImGuiTableColumn:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

ImGuiTableColumnFlags Flags
float WidthGiven
float MinX
float MaxX
float WidthRequest
float WidthAuto
float StretchWeight
float InitStretchWeightOrWidth
ImRect ClipRect
ImGuiID UserID
float WorkMinX
float WorkMaxX
float ItemWidth
float ContentMaxXFrozen
float ContentMaxXUnfrozen
float ContentMaxXHeadersUsed
float ContentMaxXHeadersIdeal
ImS16 NameOffset
ImGuiTableColumnIdx DisplayOrder
ImGuiTableColumnIdx IndexWithinEnabledSet
ImGuiTableColumnIdx PrevEnabledColumn
ImGuiTableColumnIdx NextEnabledColumn
ImGuiTableColumnIdx SortOrder
ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx DrawChannelCurrent
ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx DrawChannelFrozen
ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx DrawChannelUnfrozen
bool IsEnabled
bool IsUserEnabled
bool IsUserEnabledNextFrame
bool IsVisibleX
bool IsVisibleY
bool IsRequestOutput
bool IsSkipItems
bool IsPreserveWidthAuto
ImS8 NavLayerCurrent
ImU8 AutoFitQueue
ImU8 CannotSkipItemsQueue
ImU8 SortDirection: 2
ImU8 SortDirectionsAvailCount: 2
ImU8 SortDirectionsAvailMask: 4
ImU8 SortDirectionsAvailList

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: